Villagers meeting early morning to collect their water.
Splendid Sunbird
Green Wood Hoopoe
News that the Abuko Nature Reserve now had Eagles, caged and tethered with string on display in an attempt to make more money helped us to make a simple decision and boycott this planned visit. This is a terrific reserve but a visit can’t be justified if they are causing harm and suffering to wild birds. (I am currently trying to contact people in Gambia to learn more and seek support for changes.)
Further investigation is needed as it appears there may be some conservation value to the work being done.

White-crested Helmet Shrike
Swallowtail sp?
Senegal Parrot
(Tame bird imprinted on the owner of Marakissa)
Black-headed Babbler
Blue-breasted Kingfisher
So on to Penjem, Sifoe wetland and back to Penjem
Penjem is a good site for Hyliota and White-breasted Cuckoo Shrike. ST and myself managed to see the former, none of us the latter. A return visit in the afternoon failed to find either. This was also the hottest day of the trip (always 30oC but probably 35oC today) and by the end of the day we were flagging.

Northern Red Bishop
Red-necked Falcon
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