Day 6
Brufut Forest and Sifoe School
Splendid Sunbird
Beautiful Sunbird
Little Bee-eater
Cardinal Woodpecker
Lanner Falcon
Splendid Sunbird (cf last one)
Long-tailed Nightjar
In addition their contributions have included vast amounts of stationery and in the last few years contributions from Carol Morgan (who sadly lost her battle with cancer recently) who encouraged the development of the school vegetable garden. Money raised has also contributed to sports equipment; volleyballs and net, footballs and sports strips.
Two classes we visited stood as we entered and encouraged by their teachers, sang to us and thanked us for the visit. There are many lessons for our children back here in the UK . The one I wish they could learn is that they should be so grateful for the opportunities they have and should make the most of them.

Vegetable Garden
Each plate of food is shared between six. There are no squabbles and pupils are really well organised. The Headteacher asked if we could help buy some more plates to speed up the process at lunctime.
School Kitchen

Calmly Queuing for Lunch
The Dining Room
Red-billed Hornbill
Red-billed Quelia
Black Flycatcher
Green Pigeon
Bearded Barbet .. sooo cute ?
Vieillot's Barbet

Sulfur-breasted Bush Shrike
Pied-winged Swallow
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