Thursday 24 November 2016

Patch Birding

The South Loop
More than waders needed here!

3 Waxwings on the patch, 5 Long-tailed Duck

 A good clean out of the burn.

The Shorelarks continue to defy the disturbances and now up to 7 can be seen together.

A brief visit to Newbiggin on Monday and in the strengthening winds I managed only Purple Sandpiper on the rocks and 9 Grey Partridge on the Golf Course.

Oh well the cracking male decided to fly off before I was ready with the camera, but just imagine the sight of it in this beautiful light.

Couple of these have found a new winter refuge.

Ice suspended as the water levels dropped rapidly.

Mr and Mrs

Other birding highlights; 2 Water Pipits (with 30 Meadow Pipits nearby), Chiffchaff and Siberian Chifchaff. In addition LesserWhitethroat Ssp? I'm sure it was one of the rarer subspecies and I know which one I would bet on. Hope I can relocate on a future visit.

1955 Transactions of the Natural History Society

As Above
I had a quick glance at an old BiN and found also flock of 5 Long Nanny 2004. So these larger flocks were more common in the past.

Bell's farm flash has about 2000 waders. A good variety including 7 species and well worth checking the 400+ Golden Plover.

Saturday 19 November 2016

Six of the Best

Super Moon

Needs to be closer to horizon to appreciate size.

A week of good birding started with 2 Woodcock and 3 Jack Snipe. Hen Harriers, Buzzards and Sparrowhawks still in evidence. Terrific wildfowl numbers on the pools. Whoopers moving through 28 this morning followed by another group of 21 reported later. Compared to last year they seem to have had a better breeding season (11 young in flock of 28).

Fieldfare and Redwings still ariving. A Snow Bunting 200m from the house (thanks to my neighbour for finding it).

Fumitory still in flower. I need to relocate this as I can't ID it from these pictures. Thought it would be officinalis but they normally have 20+ flowers together.

Still beach-combing each morning. Hoping for a buff-bellied or other heart-stopper.

Frosty morning, but not hard enough to make the walk from Cresswell to Walkworth pond possible. Quagmire!

Still hanging on at Cesswell.

Lovely crater detail seen this morning.

Finally my trips to the beach pay off!

Six Shorelarks at the burnmouth.

Sadly they were disturbed several times but kept returning to feed, until finally they gave up and headed away low to the South West.

I hope they are relocated somewhere nearby.

Sadly I failed to get all six in the frame. There are five in each of these two photos

Sunday 13 November 2016


A great week of stunning birds.

Long-tailed Duck
(10 miles inland.)

On the coast 2 Hen Harriers, 2 Kingfishers and 3 Sparrowhawks are regulars around the bay. A Chiffchaff, 2 miles inland, will probably overwinter

Siskins in the Country Park
Plenty of Thruhes still around and still arriving. Jays becoming much more obvious as the start caching food.

Doh! Where did I put my head?

Rufous-fronted Woodpecker

Wildfowl numbers gradually increasing and some very good numbers of Scaup, Goldeneye and Pintail.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

The Birds Keep Arriving!

Frustrated a bit by the weather and the holes in my shoes, I still managed some good additions to my patch list (If I had one ... I know I started one in February or March?).

Iceland Gull
Woodcock, Pomarine Skua, Little Auk, Hen Harrier and Waxwing added to the Redwing, Fieldfare and Blackbirds which are still arriving.

An oiled juv kittiwake (dark head) got me thinking of Sabines Gull, and moments later I missed the real one observed from the car park just South of the one I was parked in.


Yes they have arrived and a single at Druridge Pools was my first. Since then I've seen three flocks 20, 30 and 30. There is also a large flock of 100+ at North Seaton I'm told.

Today I timed my shopping perfectly. New shoes bought, sun came out and the trilling birds put on a great display.

Later at DBCP I heard a small flock of Waxwings fly over the dunes but couldn't see them.

Rowan Berries are the food of choice at the moment.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Twite ... and even more (update)

I think I must have visited most parts of the South Northumberland Coast in the last few days.

This Hen Harrier went to roost on Wednesday and was seen hunting early Thursday. I'm guessing it may stay all winter in the area.

This family group of five at Chev was spotted soon after at Blyth.

This was part of a group of 25 (including only 1 juv) on the river Coquet