Thursday 24 February 2022

Almost a Whiteout

This Norwegian ringed, Black-headed Gull is a regular winter visitor to DBCP.

Little Egret

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud

Glaucous Gull

Beacon Point, Newbiggin

'Make My Day!'

Cracking Views


Actually it's nice to have a bird showing naturally in its preferred habitat.

5 Snow Buntings

Sharing the field with 8 Skylarks and 15+ Twite today at Druridge.


Thursday 10 February 2022

As Promised

Yes, I started checking the geese on my patch. It was nice to relocate the White-fronted Geese.

Barnacle Goose and one of its hybrid offspring?

Canacle Goose

Well some interesting mini trips took in Hedgeley, Maiden's Hall and Boulmer. Highlight a singing Dipper. Lots of common birds to enjoy and nice to visit slightly different habitat combinations.


Sunday 6 February 2022

Cross, Bills


February is usually a slow month. Plenty of birds to see but rarely anything new to add to the list. Then of course the bills for utilities start to renew with inevitable rises. Not my favourite month.

Great Black-backed Gull, Carrion crow and a tasty Lumpsucker (Thanks JT for identification.)


I missed all the action by minutes but at least the female stuck around to let me get a snap or two.

Well some bills are better than others.


Guess I'll be checking through the geese this month to add to my patch tally. There can't be many species I am missing from my winter list.