Lots of Ringlet butterflies have appeared over the last week.
Well it is that time of year. Birders become more interested in Bugs and start trying Arty Farty photos ... sorry.
I've posted this flower before. One of my favourites ... Grass Vetchling (Lathyrus nissolia)
Common Spotted Orchids
Common Blue
Nemophora degeerella
Longhorn Moth
I used to think these were quite rare but I found some at Fontburn Reservoir this year. These photos were taken at Druridge.
Sedge Warbler
Lots of warblers singing again. Advertising the start of their second brood perhaps. Good time to see Grasshopper Warblers if you missed them when they first arrived.
Common Blue
I warned you!
Went out yesterday in search of Dragons ... failed to find the ponds!
Today I tried Ashington Community Wood. I found Large Red Damselflies (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) female typica?
... also Four-spotted Chaser
(Libellula quadriaculata)
Think this is
Volucella pellucens
Speckled Wood
Pond Skater
Gerris lacustris
Hopefully someone will contact me on twitter if I'm wrong.
Oh ... by he way, the birding hasn't stopped. Sitting in the hide at Druridge this morning (6am) I heard the distinctive call 'wet my lips' of QUAIL. A good start to the day.