Hedge Sparrow aka Dunnock aka Hedge Accentor
Reed Bunting
Feeding stations around the bay are always a source of birds when the weather turns nasty. Nothing out of the ordinary though.
above, Opegrapha atra
below, Chladonia fimbriata
Tentative identification of the Chladonia sp
The last few days have been blowy (to say the least) so most birds tend to shelter (makes sense) hence my six attempts to find the Green-winged Teal have been unsuccessful. However I seem to see the Little Owl on almost every visit whilst others are struggling to connect.
This terrific (if a little blurred) Black-throated Diver found by JF & TF may be the same bird as last year. The very obvious white flank patch makes it an easy bird to ID.
Visits to Amble still haven't produced any white-winged gulls.
Long-tailed Tits
So active it was impossible to get a sharp photo .. but they still look brilliant I think.
Hopefully the wind strength will weaken so I can get inland for some raptors this week.
The road from Cresswell to Widdrington is going to be closed for most of the week so visits may be difficult. I was able to see Whooper Swan and Pintail this morning however.