Monday 25 February 2019

SPRING ... a bit early but I'm not complaining!

A great week with Woodcock and Crosssbill. Cetti's Warbler heard and  seen at two Northumberland sites (Let us hope they are not disturbed too much this year.).

Plenty of early flowers and the accompanying pollinators (even a few St Mark's Flies).Barn Owl hunting at 1pm in 16oC Sunshine.

Sadly last few days ruined by ignorant and irresponsible people. I must annoy people and behave badly at times but some things I see just can't be excused. 

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Keep Feeding the Birds

Willow Tit

Great Spotted Woodpecker


Green-winged Teal

Reliable spot for this bird

Superb Bird

Well most of my time has been spent filling feeders and scattering seed. Additional sightings of note include: Red-legged Partridge and Tree Sparrow at E Chevington, Siskin 12+ DBCP, Smew still Widdrington Moor, Great Crested Grebes at Widdrington and Chevington, Displaying Buzzards, Long-eared Owls at Roost and a Short-eared Owl providing a welcome distraction whilst enjoying a bowl of Butternut and Chilli soup

Thursday 7 February 2019


Tuesday morning at the feeders I had an unusual sighting of four Water Rails feeding together. One even climbed a low hedge and walked along the top.

Sunday 3 February 2019

February at the Feeding Station

Water Rail and Several Moorhen have discovered my feeding station.

The number of smaller birds has increased and so naturally that has attracted a Sparrowhawk.

Jay and Magpie heard nearby and I think  they are responsible for emptying two of the feeders very quickly.