Tuesday 13 September 2022

Great Birding


Long-tailed Tit

Well what a great few days. Common birds putting on a nice show, scarce birds in good numbers and a few rares out of reach kept the searching going. Need a day to catch up on washing (clothes and car).


Willow Warbler

.. with an itch

Didn't realise sycamore leaves made such great 'Sunbrellas'.


Yesterday (12/09/2022) There were still many grounded migrant birds around, ( 7 Garden Warblers, 2 Spotted Flycatchers. 1 Pied Flycatcher, 5 Redstarts, Several Blackcaps and numerous Willow Warblers and Chiffchafffs. Today a little quieter but still a scattering of those species present.

Curlew Sandpiper

Pied Flycatcher


Swallows (and the odd one out) ready to head South just as my first Pink-footed Geese flew across the Marine Park this morning.

Lesser Whitethroat

Mistle Thrush



Lovely photo (even though I say it myself) just wish I had photoshop to remove the little white spoiler. ;)

Spotted Flycatcher

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Just Starting


Well this was a nice early surprise. Found by MH at Whitburn. When I arrived 30 minutes later there was no big twitch so I enjoyed great views of this bird catching Bees and preening all under the watchful eyes of Whitethroats and a very brave Wren.

The weather has been brilliant this week with easterlies and showers. Although it is still early the expectations were high. Fortunately a scattering of common birds saved the week. Now I'm hoping it will pick up further this weekend.

After seeing my first at Newbiggin this year, suddenly they were everywhere. A group of 7 on the mound (Trow) and 3 in the quarry (Trow) made them appear quite common.

Struggled to catch up with these also but now in the last few days I've seen probably 5 different birds.

Pied Flycatcher

Lesser Whitethroat

Garden Warbler

Siskin and Greenfinch today, several Wheatears, Common Whitethroat, increased numbers of Robins and a few misidentifications by me add to the spice. :)