Saturday 24 August 2013

Wellington Booted

What a day! Yesterday afternoon I found a pale warbler,  guessed it was a good one but wasn't confident with my ID. Bob and Dave D agreed to come and check it out. After avery long time waiting it did not reappear. Gutted!

An early (pre-coffee) start after favourable conditions last night. Hadston, Chevington and Druridge drew a blank. Bob and Dave spurred me on with their Pied Flycatchers at Newbiggin, so all coffeed up, back to Hadston.  The 'bird reappeared B and D were contacted, B and D contacted again decided after second view I might have been mistaken (Sorry Dave). N.B. To all birders go with your gut (no jokes about mine please) people will bad mouth you right or wrong.

Be patient it's a long tale!

Well now the birding hots up. Migrants Appear. Cracking male Redstart and a Wryneck.  Then I photographed the 'Bird'. AC arrived to see Wryneck. It didn't show! After an age I walked the fence line and we all had fantastic views of what is usually a secretive/skulking bird. The photos don't do it justice but you get the idea.

B&D phone call and I announced  I had photo and was now convinced the 'bird' was booted/sykes and I was going to email photos. Home to my wind-up computer and within 30 minutes I had excited calls about BOOTED WARBLER photos. Don't you just love technology.

Sadly DD had travel plans! Sorry again Dave!

Bob returned and eventually he refound the bird. In flight it was striking, in the shade of a bush it looked different. I hope people understand my reluctance to jump to a conclusion. I have never seen Booted or Syke's Warblers.

Thanks to Stef McElwee and Stewart Sexton for their help with the photo ID.

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