Saturday, 8 June 2013

Northumberland Wildlife Trust

Visiting birders enjoying the bird hides at East Chevington.

NWT have lanched an appeal. £75,000 to improve the visitor experience and enrich wildlife at Hauxley.  200+ Greylag and Canada Geese trample the farmland, trample bird nests, pollute the water and deafen the visitors. Now NWT want more land around the reserve.

Why anyone supports the NWT is surprising, Washed out Avocet nests this year! No site management at East Chevington. Expensive fenced area so kids can be encouraged to build shelters out of the reserve trees.

Avocets and Marsh Harriers no longer have the publicity pull they had on their first arrival so NWT doesn't care.

Instead of whingeing about the inability to let water out of Cresswell; raised islands at Cresswell and Chevington would have been a simple cheap way to provide safe breeding areas and probably have encouraged other rare waders to take advantage aswell. Just 2 miles from the coast Avocets are having a successfull year on a site thankfully not managed by the NWT.

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