Sunday 10 August 2014

Win Whin Situation

Well yes the awful headlines continue... cringe.

This time of year for 'birders' is one of anticipation. Migration has started and anything is possible. There are birds which are to be expected but it is no less special when they are seen.

Whinchats on the coast make a brief appearance in spring and autumn but can be easily missed. Their breeding grounds 20 miles inland mean you can always make a trip and be certain of seeing one but the excitement of finding one in the narrow window of passage on the coast can't compare.

Two patches (at Hadston and Chev) were alive with whitethroats, lesser whitethroats, willow warblers chiffchaffs and stonechats. 

A trip to Cresswell a little later and it was good to meet up with SS and JR. The Stilt Sandpiper is still around and another passage bird that can be easily missed flew overhead with the characteristic Hooeeet call making sure this one wasn't missed. How many birds make a call in autumn that sounds like Hooeeet?

Later in the day a return to Cresswell saw the Stilt Sandpiper at close quarters on the causeway pool (I wonder if it has a slight problem with its right wing? It flies OK but on landing seems to have a slight difficulty bending the wing.) and the rain started so back in the house and chores to be done. Busy week next week so less blogging (unless I find something to photograph). Can't believe the holidays are almost over ;-)

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