Monday 13 April 2020

Holiday Weekend


Thought the Twite had all moved on, so it was a surprise to find 9 still at Druridge. This one gave a nice pose to show the details of its plumage.

5 Reeling birds so far and 3+ Sedge (one in full song).

Black-tailed Godwits

This morning it was bitterly cold and I wasn't dressed for the occasion. So I eventually found a sheltered spot and in a very small patch of grass I  found Yellow, White and Pied Wagtails along with dozens of Meadow Pipits.

Having not used the car for a couple of weeks and then only for shopping, I am finding the walk from my house more interesting than expected. My aim once this terrible pandemic is clear will be to continue this exercise route at least two days each week (weather permitting). I must have saved quite a bit of money by not buying petrol. I am also finding new birds. Today I heard a loud Huueet call, reminiscent of Chiffchaff. However, it was coming from a larger bird. When I got my binoculars focused on the bird it was a superb male Common Redstart. It then flew into the shelter belt and apart from hearing it call a few times I never got another view.

Today I want to go to the shops but feel I don't need to. (I may have to walk to Widdrington Station just for a few items but they are not essential.) I'll do a bigger shop later in the week.

Back in the house a welcome visitor to the Nyger feeder. Greenfinch. A rare garden bird but as I have mentioned before there is always one breeding pair nearby.

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