Tuesday 7 April 2020

Beautiful Day

Early morning walk from the house. First sighting 14 Fieldfare heading North calling loudly. This Roe Deer with the light behind it looked tremendous but I couldn't quite capture the moment. Its warm breath condensing in the cool morning air. Then I heard a singing Blackcap (the first of three this morning).

As the air warmed more singing birds. Chiffchaffs have been back a while now, but the Willow Warblers were new arrivals. I estimated 7+ on my walk.

Wheatears are daily sightings now but there is still a large fall to come. Skylarks and Meadow Pipits fill the air over the fields with song and magnificent aerial displays.

Midges now emerging in huge numbers but not a single Hirundine to be seen. I bet there are plenty this afternoon but I have had my one daily walk I'm permitted.

After a brief flight view last week it is good to know this Ruddy Shelduck is still in the area. Also Marsh Harriers, Bearded Tits and Cetti's all put in an appearance. No Gropper yet (I've assigned my distant call last week to the bin.) and only the one Sedge Warbler heard a few days back. I have noticed in previous years Sedge Warblers can arrive and make very few calls in the first few days, then all of a sudden they're singing all over the place.

Several Small Tortoiseshell butterflies on the wing but only the slightly tatty one posed for a picture. Suddenly a call above me. I couldn't place it at first, it called again and finally I located it high above me. It was a Mediterranean Gull in full summer plumage, probably heading to Coquet Is..

On the return leg the Blackcap was singing and flycatching and even took time for a brief pose for the camera. All of these sightings made it a beautiful day and I also had a major rarity to add ... Nuthatch. 

I think Ill spend this afternoon making a list of all the birds I've seen this year. As I've mentioned many times before I don't see much point but with so much time on my hands I think it will be interesting to see how my list stands.

Photographing this Whooper (Still five in the area,the Twite have now gone.) I did not notice the bird on the right?

What will tomorrow bring? Well if it is half as good as today I'll be very happy!

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