Wednesday 5 October 2016

Shortest Twitch

Toothache almost prevented a visit to Holy Island, but the pain had gone early morning and my plans for Tynemouth birding and a ferry crossing to my Dentist in South Shields were put on hold. Waiting for the tide to fall I managed this snap of Grey Plover and my first Barnacle Geese of the Autumn dropped in to join the Brents.

Looking at the plan of Holy Island and the wind direction I headed for the walled garden and the walls leading to the Lough. (Lancy in mind!) I was beginning to regret my choice as apart from an obvious fall of thrushes, a few crests and Brambling calls thee was little to see. In the Lough Hide I found this roosting Long-eared Owl. I texed DD to see if he was on the island and got an excited call back through breaking signals to say someone was watching a WHITE'S THRUSH on the straight lonnen.

Badly out of breath I arrived and waited. Well over 30 minutes elapsed before the bird showed well although distantly from the lonnen. I managed a few shots and we were then treated to a 'fly past' as the White's Thrush flew a circular path around the Willows and back to the same spot. The under-wing pattern is really special!

The supporting cast on the island also picked up with: Goldcrests (lots), Blackcaps, Ring Ouzel (4), Yellow-browed Warbler (4), Brambling, Song Thrush (lots), Blackbird, Robin and Redwing.

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