Wednesday 2 September 2020

A Canny Few Days

AP found a Greenish Warbler on Sunday (30th Aug) and I enjoyed close up views but sadly my little camera couldn't cope with its busy activity. Needless to say those with good cameras were able to get some stunning pictures. I returned on Tuesday to try again but  unfortunately it had moved on.

Consolation however was a few snaps of the more common birds.

Lesser Whitethroat (above)
Common Whitethroat (below)

Meadow Pipits were on the move South and there has been a steady passage for the last three mornings. In amongst them there were a few Wagtails including the Grey Wagtail above.

Ducks were moving North along the coast and numbers of Teal and Wigeon have increased on the North Pool at East Chevington. In addition 8 Pintail dropped in.

A few Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers are still present on the reserve.

House Martins and Swallows are gathering around the village and again some visible migration to be seen along with a smattering of Sand Martins and Swifts.

This un-ringed Marsh Harrier has been staying in the area (not one of the Chevington birds). Sparrowhawks, Kestrels, Merlin and a couple of Peregrines are also in the area currently.

Today I stumbled across this Cattle Egret. It wont be long before they are a much  more common site and even a breeding bird of the near future.

Spotted Redshank and Wood Sandpiper have been the star waders at East Chevington but the supporting cast of Ruff, Golden Plovers, Lapwing, Bar-tailed Godwit, Black-tailed Godwit, Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Knot should not be overlooked.

My prediction for the next good wader is Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Chev.

Guillemot off the Power Station and my first proper migrant Wheatear today were a bonus.


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