Tuesday 23 November 2021

Twitching again...

While visiting Mum in South Shields, I checked for news of the Pied Wheatear. There was none, so I thought there mustn't be many looking for it (it was in its second week at Whitburn) so I decided to head down the coast to check.

When I arrived it quickly put in an appearance at the base of the cliffs in rather pleasant sunshine. I duly rattled of a few snaps and the headed to see another rarity. Yes after walking for what seemed an age I reached the spot. 50 metres from the wheatear and there it was.

Wood Duck

Yes a rarity.
Well I know most will reject it but hey it is a first for Britain for me!

Marsh Harrier searching for oranges (I prefer plum sauce).

Grey Heron

I do like a bit of industrial architecture!


Still to see a Little Auk but should connect with one soon. (Well I though that about Curlew Sandpiper but didn't see one this year.)


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