Wednesday 8 January 2020

Yellow Wagtail

Roe Deer
Druridge Bay (07/01/2020)

Prestwick Carr (08/01/2020)

This morning I decided to visit the long-staying Wagtail at Prestwick Carr. When I arrived the horses were being fed and the four dogs were chasing around the field. No sign of 'the' wagtail. Plenty of Pied Wagtails, Meadow Pipits and Redwing.

Eventually it appeared in a different field and then flew towards the horse field. Having been told about the close views and seen the cracking photos I decided to put in a bit of time. Normally I'm not very patient but I was determined to make the most of this long distance twitch (35 minutes from my house.).

Oh well, it didn't come close. The Redwings did.


So I decide to go for a walk to the feeders and had an enjoyable view of the local Tree Sparrows. As I walked back to the horse field I checked in the field to the west of the house. There was the wagtail, a bit closer. I wasn't expecting many people today but met at least twelve. Most were looking in the horse field so I let them know about the bird and they all quickly enjoyed good views in the sunshine.

Still distant though.

Pied Wagtail

All the birds took off and headed into the larger horse field. This was my chance, I thought. I found a good spot and the bird landed very close. Although difficult to photograph as it kept close to the hedge.

Some nice close-up views and it flew again and landed in amongst the horses. Great morning and patience eventually rewarded.

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