Friday, 28 May 2021

Here comes the Sun ..

... and its entire readership. A hot bank holiday is forecast and the $£%*&?@s will descend on the Druridge Coast. Already the Snab car park is occupied.

Calm, Calm


Photos do not do it justice but the pale fringing on the breast feather is a delight.

Home Patch Mega

Green Tiger Beetle

Roe Deer

The fawn was close by but well hidden.

Grey Partridge


So glad I'm not on Twitter any more. I would have been very rude about several  groups of people this week and then probably regretted my comments later. I guess this is the world we live in. 'Me Me Me'. Well I suppose I'm no different.

Probably time for a change of scenery.


Saturday, 22 May 2021



Don't worry there is worse to follow.

Grey Squirrel

Copying the local Nuthatches.

Cuckoo Pint

Arum maculatum

Red Kite

Barnacle Geese
(flock of 11)

Left Yellow 4,  Right Blue 1
Ringed as 1 year old bird in 2020, Netherlands

Spotted Flycatcher

'Patch Birding' has its rewards.

A timely phone call from APr (Cheers) got me onto this Osprey just in time, as it was chased over the North Pool (Chev) by Curlews.

Ooh that has got to be painful.


Monday, 17 May 2021

So Slow

Well so far it has been a funny spring. This was only my second Common Sandpiper of the year.

Spot the 'Odd One Out'

Little Gull and Black-headed Gull

Brown Hare

Aaah so cute. The Goose farm has opened several new branches. The general public love these birds. Big enough to see without binoculars. So pack your local reserves with them and keep everyone happy.

Reed Warbler

(Showing Well ... 'birderspeak)

It is not long ago that the place to catch a glimpse of one of these was to visit Gosforth Park. This year there are 10+ singing males at DBCP. Amazing when you see the size (small) of the reedbeds.

Alder Fly
Sialis Sp.

(Possibly Sialis fuliinosa?)

Zoom in and you can see the eggs on the stem.

No Mow May

Don't you just love a nature reserve!


Thursday, 13 May 2021

Patch Joy



Yellow Wagtail

Wood Sandpiper

I came across this beauty at East Chevington today. Obviously it wasn't on the main pools. It was in a small flooded area of the dunes with no cover. I approached the bird and instead of flying off it continued to feed.

When I returned an hour later it was still there. I saw a group c7 birders in the hide so informed them of its presence. I think they were almost as happy as I  was to see such a splendid wader close up.

St Mark's Flies

Stonechat (ad male)

On the same day I saw the Whinchat I also noticed the first Stonechat fledglings.

Wall Brown

No words necessary!


Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Putting on a Show

Wood Sandpiper

Cuck oooo
Cuck oooo

Meadow Pipits on 'Guard Duty'

Hanging around. Still present for its fourth day. The Drinker Moth caterpillars are taking a hammering.

Grasshopper Warblers

Don't you just hate it when they skulk in the undergrowth. Such a difficult bird to see.

Note that this one also has some black on the bill, but not as extensive as the 'hide' bird.


Cinnabar Moth

Druridge Pools

House Martins

Only recently arrived but straight down to nest building and repairing.

'Mud Glorious Mud'