Friday 15 November 2019

A day of Three Thirds


Two late Swallows at Newbiggin and a further one at Druridge.


Too late for the seawatching this morning (lazy starter) but did bag another Lapland Bunting. It flew North calling and appeared to land, however a quick check after a blustery shower and no sign.

A check of the East Chevington patch and the highlights were a Jay and 40 Siskins in the NE corner. Plenty of birds visiting the feeders near the North Hide.

Then a good hour or so in the local cemetery (didn't want to stay longer)!

This is where I hope to find a 'mega' Thrush!


Today c200 Fieldfare, c200 Redwings, c10 Mistle Thrushes, c10 Blackbirds and c10 Song Thrushes.

Starling Tree

Fieldfare Tree

1 comment:

  1. Love the Starling Tree. One thing missing though...…. a black doggie poo bag. Would set it off a treat !!!!!!
