Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Great Day Out



Knot, Purple Sandpiper, Turnstones (2)

Some great things on show today. Took so many photos of the Snipe and Merlin (couldn't decide which ones to post). The best thing about both birds was that when I left they were still in the same place and I hadn't disturbed them (even though it appears the Snipe was about to take flight).




Sunday, 27 October 2019

LBW and Mystery Pic Comp

Early Morning shots of this Long-billed Dowitcher at Cresswell

This might have you puzzled or not. Sorry no prize, I know the answer.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Newbiggin Birds

My time the last few weeks has been divided between Chevington and Newbiggin. It is the time of year when every common bird is checked in case it is one of the scarcer subspecies (see last two posts). It is also the time when my copy of 'Advanced Bird ID Guide' by Nils Van Duivendijk gets the most use.

Fortunately the Snow Buntings found by AP didn't need any scrutiny.

Rock Pipit

Bottlenose Dolphins
A couple of the 20+ pod which raced past Beacon Point


Oops missed the tail!

On my patch, East Chevington, 15 Whoopers >S, 40 Purple Sandpipers >S, 1  Lapland Bunting >N and a Swallow was feeding along the dunes (25/10/2019)

Common Redstart

