Arctic Tern
Visited the Long Nanny on one of the days when the American Black Tern chose to stay away.
Well it is a strange time of year. Plenty of common birds to see. A good selection of rarities nearby and huge variety of plants and invertebrates to study.
Little Grebe
Little Ringed Plover
Views like these mean identification is really easy.
Auks along the coast at South Shields and Whitburn don't seem to be very productive, so to capture a glimpse of a young Razorbill is special. A Guillemot (not in shot) on the same ledge is sitting tight and gets a white shower from the birds above but it seems determined.
Red-legged Partridge
This one led 6+ chicks across a road in Northumberland. A bird on the increase due to the releases from farms for shooting.
Reed Bunting
Reed Warbler
Three interesting Warblers at Saltholme. Great Reed, Savi's and Marsh. My timing of visits meant I didn't see them.
Snipe at Druridge
Sad to think that most of the Summer Migrants will be on their way South quite soon.
Locally ringed Avocet with a relatively late brood of two chicks. That said some birds are still on eggs, whereas others have fledged.

White-winged Black Tern
I think this is the only time I have visited Saltholme RSPB on the day someone found a scarce bird. It took some catching up with as it made a circuit of the reserve pools. Distant flight views were all I managed until it finally took a liking to the main pool by the visitor centre.