An unexpected Journey. Ended up at Rutland Water and enjoyed a good 4 hours birding. Probably could have spent twice as long but the access to some of the 35 hides was restricted due to the water levels and seasonal closures. It is also exceptional value at £7 (or £6 if you are as old as me).
Scarlet Elf Cup
Great White Egret
Green Woodpecker
Birding highlights included this woodpecker. It is quite some time since I saw one in the North East. Red Kites are now very common in the area. Smew (including a distant drake).
My favourite of the day was when a Cetti's Warbler exploded into song within a couple of feet. Although now widespread and common in the North East, every time I hear them it reminds me of seeing and hearing some of the first colonisers at East Chevington.
Red Kite
Most of the views were much closer but tended to be when I was driving down the lanes with traffic preventing a sudden stop.
Lovely Reserve and I will make a couple more visits this year and combine my trip with stops at other reserves over a few days in the area.