Wednesday, 21 February 2024

Rutland Water


An unexpected Journey. Ended up at Rutland Water and enjoyed a good 4 hours birding. Probably could have spent twice as long but the access to some of the 35 hides was restricted due to the water levels and seasonal closures. It is also exceptional value at £7 (or £6 if you are as old as me).

Scarlet Elf Cup

Great White Egret

Green Woodpecker

Birding highlights included this woodpecker. It is quite some time since I saw one in the North East. Red Kites are now very common in the area. Smew (including a distant drake).

My favourite of the day was when a Cetti's Warbler exploded into song within a couple of feet. Although now widespread and common in the North East, every time I hear them it reminds me of seeing and hearing some of the first colonisers at East Chevington.


Red Kite

Most of the views were much closer but tended to be when I was driving down the lanes with traffic preventing a sudden stop.

Lovely Reserve and I will make a couple more visits this year and combine my trip with stops at other reserves over a few days in the area.


Wednesday, 14 February 2024


This gorgeous Blackcap greeted me in the Car Park. Still enough berries to feast on even if they are a little shrivelled/

Ducks are in full breeding plumage like this drake Gadwall

Great White Egret

Well quite a day. 2 GWE, 6 Little Egrets, 7 Grey Herons, 1 Spoonbill and a Cattle Egret.


'Spring' is in the air.


Cattle Egret


Sunday, 11 February 2024

February ... and yet more rain

Northumberland seems to be the place to be at the moment. Lots to see and Enjoy!

This Barn Owl decided to check out the Sparrowhawk. It started 15 posts away and in a couple of flights it decided to land on the adjacent post. After a bit of preening it decided to go off hunting. The Sparrowhawk remained on the same post for over an hour.


Despite my poor photography this Bittern was very close to the hide when it flew by. Great views a real treat. Marsh Harriers and Cetti's Warbler were good to see along with a brief flight view of a Water Rail.

The morning started with a Woodcock at Newbiggin and as the mist cleared it turned into a glorious day. Sadly its back to rain again to day so not much birding will be done today.

Shorelarks, Hooded Crow, Smew, Twite and Long-tailed Ducks all still present in the area but I didn't go searching for them yesterday. Good numbers of Wigeon, Goldeneye and Little Grebes at Chevington. Plenty Of Pink-footed Geese and the chance of a White-fronted Goose must be a possibility.

Plenty of Stonechats already setting up the territories. This fine (if damp) male attracted the attention of two squabbling females.

Also some early flowering plants to look out for ...